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Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Kode Rahasia Blackberry

Kumpulan Kode Kode Tersembunyi Yang Ada Di Blackberry

ALT + N M L L untuk mengetahui kapasitas sinyal bar

ALT + V A L D untuk verifikasi Address Book

ALT + R B L D untuk merombak Address Book\

ALT + R B V untuk melihat source code dalam Webpage

ALT + left Shift + press H untuk mengetahui info teknis yang ada dalam Blackberry

* # 0 6 # untuk mengetahui IMEI yang ada pada Blackberry

ALT + L G L G untuk mengetahui log yang sudah dilakukan dalam Blackberry

ALT + NUM / Aa / Cap + H untuk mengetahui Akses Informasi PIN – IMEI – Vendor ID – Free Memory – Versi OS

M E P D pada Sim Card untuk mengecek status Blackberry locked atau unlocked

ALT + Cap / Aa Right + DEL untuk merestart Blackberry yang sedang nge-hang


 Fungsi : Menunjukkan kuat sinyal dalam dBm (bukan ‘batang’).

 ALT-V-A-L-D> di’addressbook’

 Fungsi : Periksa inkonsistensi data di address book.

 ALT-R-B-L-D > di’addressbook’

 Fungsi : Menyusun ulang struktur data di address book.


 Fungsi : soft reset HH-nya, mirip dengan ‘cabut batere’


 Fungsi : Menunjukkan info teknis penting tentang HH.

 ALT-R-B-V-S> di’browser’
 Fngsi : Menunjukkan source-code dari hal.web

 Fungsi : catatan/log dari event2 di system HH

 *-#-0-6 > di’homescreen’
 Fungsi : Menunjukkan kode IMEI handset.

Enterprise Activation
ALT-CNFG In Options -> Advanced Options -> Enterprise Activation Settings for Enterprise Activation

Kode Rahasia Blackberry Address Book
ALT-VALD In address book list Validate the data structure and look for inconsistencies 
ALT-RBLD In address book list Force a data structure rebuild

Kode Rahasia Blackberry Browser
ALT-RBVS Any HTML/WML webpage View web page source code

Kode Rahasia Blackberry Calendar
ALT+VIEW Inside any Calendar item Show extra info for a Calendar event
SYNC Calendar app>Options Enable Calendar slow sync
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RSET Calendar app>Options Will prompt for a reload of the calendar from the BES
RCFG Calendar app>Options Request BES configuration
SCFG Calendar app>Options Send device configuration
DCFG Calendar app>Options Get CICAL configuration
SUPD Calendar app>Options Enable detailed Cal. report for backup
SUPS Calendar app>Options Disable detailed Cal. report for backup
SUPN Calendar app>Options Disable Cal. report database
LUID Calendar app>Options Enable view by UID
SRSL Calendar app>Options Show Reminder status log

Kode Rahasia BlackberryMessaging
ALT + V I E W For messages, displays the RefId and FolderId for that particular message. For PIM items, displays only the RefId.

Kode Rahasia Blackberry Search Application
ALT-ADVM Search Application Enabled Advanced Global Search

Kode Rahasia Blackberry MMS
MMSC Options -> MMS Show MMS hidden options

Kode Rahasia Blackberry Home Screen
ALT-JKVV Home Screen Display cause of PDP reject
ALT + CAP + H Home screen Displays the Help Me screen
ALT + E A C E Home screen Displays the Help Me screen
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ALT + E S C R Home Screen Displays the Help Me screen
ALT + N M L L Home screen Switches the signal strength from bars to a numeric value.ALT + L G L G Home screen Displays the Java™ event log.

Kode Rahasia Blackberry WLAN
ALT-SMON WLAN wizard screen Enable simulated Wizard mode
ALT-SMOF WLAN wizard screen Disable simulated Wizard mode

Kode Rahasia Blackberry Theme
ALT-THMN Any menu Change to no theme (B&W)
ALT-THMD Any menu Change to default theme

Kode Rahasia Blackberry Date/Time
LOLO Options -> Date/Time Show Network time values

Kode Rahasia Blackberry SIM CARD
MEPD Options>Advanced options>SIM card Display MEP info
MEP1 Options>Advanced options>SIM card Disable SIM personalization
MEP2 Options>Advanced options>SIM card Disable Network personalization
MEP3 Options>Advanced options>SIM card Disable Network subset personalization
MEP4 Options>Advanced options>SIM card Disable Service provider personalization
MEP5 Options>Advanced options>SIM card Disable Corporate personalization

Kumpulan kode rahasia bb ini hampir kebanyakan bekerja pada semua tipe blackberry baik itu tipe bb davis ataupun bb armstrong.

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